Samantha Garman Testimony
Hunger-pure spiritual hunger- forcefully threw me inside the doors of Remnant Church on May, 6, 2012, and I almost consider that Sunday morning to be another birthday! I have been in church my entire life, but by sitting through just one service at Remnant, I was immediately re-awakened, instantly gained a new family, and soaked in the presence of leadership that challenged, trained, loved, fought for, and encouraged me. My revival has never lost its impact, and I'm only continuing to grow. The Word of God is powerfully ever-present as our Pastor has never ceased to passionately expose the raw-truth so that I will be blamelessly equipped to live by faith, testify about/preach the Good News of our redemption, and train up others around me as disciples for Jesus Christ, my Savior. I've been set on fire and anointed by an everlasting flame.
I am deeply thankful and eager to share with you that Remnant Church is willfully working with the Holy Spirit to not only impact the atmosphere and the lives of people inside of the building, but also outside-in the surrounding area; I am still in awe of all that God HAS done, IS doing, and WILL do through this body of believers. It is exciting to be here during this time of such continual growth and perseverance. Do not hesitate to come, experience, encounter, and join a family of FAITH!
Tammy Rayl Testimony
After reading an invitation ad to visit Remnant Church for services, I felt a prompting by the Holy Spirit to attend. That was over a year ago and now my family and I call Remnant our church home.
Remnant is a place where people gather together to hear the life changing word of God and to fellowship with one another in thanksgiving, praise, and worship. I have learned to become more kingdom minded in all I do and that everything I do is as done unto the Lord. Getting involved in the church's community outreach projects has afforded me the opportunity to share the love of Christ to others.
Being challenged to reach out to others, pray continually, and to apply God's active and living word in my ever day life has brought me into a closer relationship with my Lord and Savior. Hearing the uncompromised word of God preached weekly has increased my faith and has given me knowledge and understanding of God's will in every area of my life. Through Him I have been give power over sin and death. To God be the glory!
Dan and Laurie Garman
It has been so incredibly refreshing to be in an atmosphere with the pursuit of passionate worship and sound teaching and preaching that compels us to surrender more of ourselves to the Spirit of God to magnify Christ. We have been praying for this ministry, and are eager to serve!