What to Expect
If you have a Bible, bring it and get ready to dive into the living Word of God with us every time we meet. As we lay hold of the tried and true Word of God, we are expecting something supernatural in every service. As my pastor Rod Parsley says, "the atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for your miracle." We will stand in agreement with you concerning the Word of God, and what it means to you and your family.
Get plugged in. Small groups are something we are putting together to encourage fellowship and foster relationships within the church. They are a great opportunity to get connected with fellow believers who will encourage you in your faith and spur you on in the Lord.
Plan to get involved. At Remnant Church, we believe that everyone has a calling. We will help you discover and grow in your gifts and callings so that you can fulfill all that the Lord has in store for you. Whether big or small we all have something that the Lord is compelling us to do to reach this world with the gospel. As a new and growing church we still have many opportunities for volunteers to get plugged in and connected within the church.
We encourage you to come and experience our services for yourself. Because its hard to judge a church by attending just one service we challenge you to come for several weeks and see if it doesn't make a difference in your life. If it doesn't, then perhaps we are not the church for you, but if it does then keep coming, get plugged in, and get involved.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Vision Statement
Remnant Church lives to be the synergy propelling people to God by proclaiming the redemption message of Christ. Our passion is to impart by preaching, impact by presence, and empower by prayer; establishing a people with purpose for His pleasure.
Mission Statement
At Remnant Church our mission is to empower people to prosper through connecting them with God. It is to impact this generation by authentic evangelism and discipleship with the pursuit of inspiring people to fulfill their God given purpose. Commissioning people through Jesus Christ to effectively minister the redemptive gospel in word, deed and demonstrating in power. To see lives radically transformed and an alternative life from the church's status quo. |